Silent generators in Turkey

Today we will answer some common questions asked about Silent generators online. Many people get confused by the topic of generators, it’s not a topic everyone has a grasp on and many people can become confused by it.

What Are Silent Generators?

Silent Generators are the loud generator types that have been encased in an enclosure that is soundproof to help decrease the noise pollution. These generators are high power and can provide quite a lot of energy required for emergency back-ups. However, the noise issue can get to people, and solve it, enclosures are needed.

Do I Have To Replace My Generator With A Silent Generator?

You do not have to buy a new generator unless you have a higher power requirement if you wish to have a silent generator, you just need to buy the enclosure for the right amount of money without wastage and use it to enclose your current generator. However, if you require more power and are afraid that the new generator would be loud, then you need to buy an enclosure for the new generator and do what you wish for the old one.

How Do Silent Generators Work?

Well, many different types of generators exist but a few are extremely loud and can cause a lot of noise pollution. These generators are normally used at hospitals, offices, and factories. These environments sometimes require a lot of peace for the work to continue without disturbance. Hence, these loud generators are provided with enclosures to keep them muted.

Can All Generators Be Turned Into Silent Generators?

Yes, all generators can have enclosures. However, not all generators require enclosures. Also, do not be fooled. Silent generators are not silent but muted. The material is not padded enough to keep the sound vibrations out completely.

The thick walls of the metal enclosure can sometimes shake as the high-power generators are on, just from the vibrations of the generators sound. The enclosure just highly muffles the sound and makes it bearable. The only generators that need silent generators are the diesel generators as they are the loudest of the rest. The others make a relatively low sound.

Why Are Silent Generators Needed?

Well, most spaces that require generators are professional settings, such as hospitals, airports, offices, and many other important areas. It is important that you get a power supply that gets you through the time where the power is needed, without driving you deaf or insane. The sound by these generators is extremely loud and can sometimes be extremely irritating.

Especially if you pair it with a hospital, it is not feasible to have such a loud machine around even if it is there to protect lives. The enclosure is a must and needs to be available in such settings. As some patients cannot survive without powered machines, and others can get physically affected by an extremely loud sound.

Are Generators Loud?

Not all generators are loud, some have a medium sound which is tolerable, most small power supplies do not have a loud sound. Especially Gas generators, they are small and have no sound, however, they also do not produce quarter as much energy as their counterparts. The production of power is low, so is the sound which means it’s not again, gain situation because some facilities require and thrive on high amounts of electric power.

Why Are Diesel Generators So Loud?

Diesel is an extremely high-power generator; it provides a lot of substantial energy and emergency back up in cases of requirement. There are multiple generator types that are not loud but have no power continuity, this is the main reason diesel generators are so popular even with the cost of an enclosure, there is no match for them in the market. The diesel generators create a solid power source that is not yet matched by any other style of the generator. These provide energy for factories and full buildings depending on the size.

Does Any Company Sell Silent Generators As One Unit?

There are companies like Kaplan Power that sell “Silent Generator” as a full unit, with the generator and the enclosure all together, although expensive, these generators produce the least amount of noise. There are of course ready-made enclosures but they are not an option for some people as they need customized enclosures. So, it’s best to buy a full package when buying a generator. It allows you not to get caught up in business lies and you can hold the company directly liable in case anything is wrong.

Why Are Silent Generators Popular?

Silent generators sessiz jeneratörler are popular because they bring the best package in overall power supplies. They can provide the highest amount of power but they are also quiet and adaptable.